Mr. The Mister and the Dreamtime

"Humankind is being led along an evolving course,
through this migration of intelligences,
and though we seem to be sleeping,
there is an inner wakefulness
that directs the dream,

and that will eventually startle us back
to the truth of who we are.”Rumi

All day long I've been working on this post. For some reason, when I sit in front of the screen, my thoughts wander off into other realms. All of a sudden it's time to get the mailers out, or, wait a minute, did I send the updated class/workshop list to those who asked for it? Is that my water boiling? Where did I put my tea mug?

Then I come back to the present, engaging my mind fully in the Now. And then I sit. But still no words come even though I've had them laid out for a few days.

At moments like these I find it very helpful to just let my fingers do the talking, and allow my brain to release what's all boggled up.

So let me take a moment to tell you about my one-man support team. While I do have apprentices and such, the lead human on the job is Mr. The Mister. No matter what comes my way, he keeps me propped up, supported, and full of hope. Also, when the Universe can't get a message through to me, because I can be a stubborn soul, it pokes Mr. The Mister. 

In the past few months I've laid out a solid plan for 2019. Over the past week I've started reverse-phase planning events/milestones out in order to stay on track. This is a technique I learned from no other than Mr. The Mister.

With post it notes, erasers, and lots of sharpened pencils, I made a wonderfully creative path that dances right through 2019 into 2020. It's good stuff, and I'm excited about where all of this is taking me, Mr. The Mister, the kiddos, and all the critters.

Now, the dreaming part. Phew - that's a whole load of something else, lemme tell ya.

The Dreamtime has always been a deep fascination of mine - ever since I was a child - and I've researched just about everything there is to know about how things happen when we close our eyes to sleep. In the late 1990s I was able to work with a Cherokee Medicine Woman, and she helped me create my own methods for understanding dreams -- and I still use those methods to this day with clients. 

However - nothing I've done up until this year has even come close to preparing me for the dreams from the past four months. Every trick I know to get a dream to tell its story isn't working, and I'm sort of getting lost in the imagery of each scene. They are not progressive, and each dream is like one small string of a larger web. Putting them together has been a process, to say the least, but I'm also learning new ways to help others with there dreams - so it's all good. Thankfully I'm sleeping well again, as during the first wave of these dreams, it was like a shamanic initiation where no sleep was allowed. Thanks be to the Caffeine Deities for their work in keeping me focused during the day.

With that, I'm off to get some tea, read a book, and just let this post simmer a bit.

Much love,
keu/Yarn and Zen


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