Authenticity/Shine Your Light

"You still listen to the Dharma with the conditioned mind, and so the Dharma becomes conditioned as well, and you do not obtain the Dharma-nature. It is like when someone points his finger at the moon to show it to someone else. Guided by the finger, that person should see the moon. If he looks at the finger instead and mistakes it for the moon, he loses not only the moon but the finger also. Why? It is because he mistakes the pointing finger for the bright moon. Not only does he lose the finger, but he also fails to recognize light and darkness. Why? He mistakes the substance of the finger for the bright nature of the moon, and so he does not understand the two natures of light and darkness." - from the Śūraṅgama Sūtra

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to watch Walk With Me, a film about the journey of Thích Nhất Hạnh. Honestly, it was just what I needed, as it's been a little bit wonky for me the past few weeks (months? years?), and being present with the images allowed me to have a soul respite. By the time it was over, it felt as if a whole day of sitting Sesshin had been condensed into an hour and thirty-four minute experience.
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” - Thích Nhất Hạnh
What that, today's Advent meditation is nestled in the podcast below. It's about how we are always being authentic, so we shouldn't worry about shining our light.

Sending love, light, and authenticity your way,
keu/Yarn and Zen


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