Rejoice! Rejoice!

“We insist on being Someone, with a capital S. We get security from defining ourselves as worthless or worthy, superior or inferior. We waste precious time exaggerating or romanticizing or belittling ourselves with a complacent surety that yes, that’s who we are. We mistake the openness of our being—the inherent wonder and surprise of each moment—for a solid, irrefutable self. Because of this misunderstanding, we suffer.” --  Pema Chödrön
On the eve of the New Moon, with Mercury going direct, I'd like to take a moment to share something with each of you.

Everyone walks through life at their own pace. For some it can take years to "get over" a situation that caused distress. No one knows the correct time for being solid in the world again, but the opinions offered by others can sometimes be damaging to your entire being.

In the Seven Rivers of Healing, from Susun Weed, the genesis step, termed "zero," is to do nothing. Indeed, this is the training that's given during first aid certification classes. While the first inclination is to rush in, fix something, then save the day, it is impossible to know the full story until you are still for a moment.

Today I invite you to study this "step." How many times have we rushed right in to feel better, or to change our life? When something scary happened, did you investigate the experience? After hitting a bump in Life's road, did you engage the challenge, or just run away? What "poisons" were you holding on to, and which ones were finally healing?

Take a moment today to give thanks for the person you are. Let all the things not needed fall to the side, and ask the Universe to transform them into beautiful things for later use. It's okay to fall down 23 times, and just get up 23 times -- allowing the 24th rise to appear when the time is right.

Remember, you are loved and supported.

Much joy,
keu/Yarn and Zen

Currently Reading: The Places That Scare You by Pema Chödrön
Currently Listening: Nikitch - When It All Falls Down feat. Andreya Triana (Kuna Maze Remix)

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