Third Sunday in Advent - Yuletide goodness
“How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.” - William Shakespeare
This year I've not been in the Yuletide mood at all. In November my system was bombarded with a ton of environmental weirdness, and I've had a "cold" for nearly 5 weeks now. Thankfully I'm in the final stages of it, after dealing with fevers, hacking coughs, and feeling like I'd been run over by reindeer.
Culturally, I'm right on track - worn down, boggled by Christmas shopping, and stressed over impending social events. Even for those folks who adore this time of year, it can be a haul on your entire system.
Except that it's not supposed to be like that. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the upcoming Solstice is a reminder that the Sun will return, and that darkness won't stay forever. It is a time for rest and renewal, keeping close with loved ones as you collectively survive the winter. Animals get a little time off as well, and they make good use of the calm that nature provides.
In short, we, the human animal, are supposed to take time off for to recharge - not be pushed into a manic frenzy of sensory overload.
This illness walking around in my system has made me take a good long look at how life pushes me into places that may not be for me. The fact that it decided to visit around the holidays in no happenstance, as I can see the need for self care as Winter approaches. Next year has a lot on its plate, and when Spring comes, I'll need my strength and wellness in order to work in the garden.
With that, today I invite you to just stop. Yep, take a full stop and go rest. You are an important part of the Earth's balance, and we all need you to engage in some self care. Remember, you've got time enough for everything, there's no need to rush.
Much love,
keu/Yarn and Zen
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